What does that even mean?  Awesome Sauce.

Hot fudge oozing down the side of mint chocolate chip ice cream?
BBQ sauce slathered over a rack of ribs?
Maple syrup traveling down the blueberry flavored pancakes?

Is that what awesome sauce means?

I first paid attention to this phrase at the Red Rooster Pancake House in Tennessee as our 3-day girlfriend get-away was coming to an end.  We were looking for a particular recommended pancake house in the pancake-house capital of Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge and couldn’t find it.  We passed several pancake houses along our drive and for whatever reason chose to keep going.  Then we decided, the next one, no matter what, we are stopping.

There it was.  Standing tall, in all its crimson-colored glory.  The Red Rooster Pancake House.

Are you serious?  I’ve never even heard of it.  But it looked clean and cute so we decided to give it a try.  After having  the ever-so-trusted tourist gentlemen to take our picture by the trademark rooster, we headed in for the adventure.

The food was excellent.  The restaurant was adorable and as clean as you could ask for.  The staff was friendly but our waitress was why God led us to that pancake house.  She came with a smile and a personality the size of Texas.  The cross necklace hanging from her neck and the sweet-spirited conversation let us know she was a Christian.

She said something about being “blessed” and we were off to the races!  It opened  the door for us to talk all-things Christ and she told us her story.  It was one we all needed that day; one of encouragement, hope and stamped with God’s presence all over it.

When we placed our order, she said “awesome sauce” and went on her way to get this party started.  I chuckled and said “awesome sauce.  Never heard that before.”  But my friend told stories of how she used that phrase all the time which led to a discussion of how God blesses us with awesome sauce moments every day; with awesome sauce blessings we don’t even think about – sometimes things we take for granted that others do not have.

I don’t know what your day or week or month has been like.  We all have a story of negative things and low days and bad situations at one time or another.  But, my friend, today, look around and find the Awesome Sauce moments in your life.  It will lift you up and bring encouragement to your lows.

Let God pour awesome sauce over your life today as you take in all the sweetness of His love.