Many of you know by now that Natalie Grant is coming to town August 20th.  Ticket sales have not been what we hoped.  You see,  a year ago, I felt God telling me to try to bring Natalie Grant (NG) to town.  I had this strong feeling and then I would tell myself it was impossible.  I looked into it and then the cost just seemed too much.  I let it go.

Several months later, I had this strong urging from the Lord that was almost an audible voice that kept saying “bring Natalie Grant to town.”  The puzzle pieces were all coming together.  I researched and through the work of the Lord we partnered with Hopewell Baptist Church, and only by the grace of God did it work out for her to come.  There is no doubt in my mind she’s supposed to be here.

So as I lay in my bed last night with warm tears flowing and my heart breaking at ticket sales, I wondered if I had heard the Lord wrong.  We have done everything we know to do.  We have walked and driven miles to put up fliers and spread the word.  Tons of emails have gone to churches all over the tri-state and radios, newspapers, Facebook posts, and community events broadcast the event.

As I questioned, I thought of something my friend, Lori from Hopewell, told me this week.  She reminded me of Matthew 8:27 where Jesus calms the storm.  Jesus and His disciples were in a boat and all of a sudden a huge storm came up on the lake and the disciples went and woke up Jesus from a sleep and said, “Lord, save us!  We’re going to drown!”

That’s exactly how I feel.  I can’t breathe.  I’m scared.  I feel like I’m drowning.  But then just as Jesus told the disciples, He whispered to me in the dark of the night “You of little faith why are you so afraid?” The scriptures go on to tell us that He got up and rebuked the winds and waves, and it was completely calm.

I felt His presence last night and I was able to calm down, stop sobbing and get some sleep.  I have no idea how ticket sales will go from here.  But what I do know is that I followed what I felt God calling me to.  I know that He put all the puzzle pieces together to bring NG to southeast Indiana.  And I know that whoever He wants at that event, whether it’s 70 or 700, He won’t fail us.  I cling to Paul’s words in Romans 8:28 – and we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.  I believe it with all my heart.

What storm are you in today?  Do you need to go find Jesus and let Him calm you?