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Marketers know how to get our attention, don’t they?  They create a sense of urgency in us by creating the feeling of missing out on something.  And we are a society of not wanting to miss out!

What if we don’t have one of the limited edition Christmas Barbie® Dolls?  If we can get an additional six-pack of socks for free why wouldn’t we do it?  We may never be able to find another garlic press as cheap as this 50% off one!

We are bombarded daily with newspaper ads, magazine ads and emails touting our next best deal.  The secret advertising genie in the sky knows that we looked at that gray pair of boots and now every time we go to Amazon, the gray boot ads are mocking us.  How did Kohl’s know we were looking at the latest style of blenders on Amazon?

There is constant bombardment of advertising reminding us we could be missing out.  And a lot of times, we fall for it.  We don’t want to miss out on the latest and greatest deals whether we need them or not.  We convince ourselves that we will wear the snake-skin jacket one day because it’s on clearance and we will NEVER find it that cheap again.

We go ahead and buy the one set of silverware because we get the other set free and what if our silverware gets bad one day and we need a new set?  YIKES!  It could be devastating.

Not really.  But I will tell you what could be devastating.  I will remind you that missing out on the greatest deal in the world could result in devastation for life.  And that, my friend, is a big deal.

What we don’t want to miss out on is a relationship with Jesus.  The rewards are out of this world.  They are heavenly.  It really is to die for.  (Enough puns and on to the real thing! 🙂 )

Yes, the only thing we need to make sure we don’t miss out on is a relationship with Jesus.  I guess it’s sort of a 3-in-1 kind of deal – God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  It doesn’t really cost us anything except a life of following the most powerful being in the Universe.  Jesus doesn’t care how much money we have or how many snake-skin jackets or rolls of toilet paper from Costco are in our closet.  He only cares about YOU and ME and spending an eternity with us in this awesome place that we certainly don’t want to miss.

The devil wants us to have a fear of missing out on the worldly things and exchanging salvation for devastation.  But Jesus….He doesn’t want us to miss out on anything that He has for us.  I pray you don’t miss out on heaven.  Take His free offer today and secure the lifetime warranty of not missing out.