“I have the greatest job in the world. Only one person can have it. You have shortstops on other teams – I’m not knocking other teams – but there’s only one shortstop on the New York Yankees.” – Derek Jeter

When I heard Derek Jeter make this statement, it really stuck with me.  I think about little league baseball players who look up to major league baseball players and want to one day have their job.  Many little boys dream of being the short stop for the New York Yankees.  Derek Jeter was one of those dreamers and then it came true.  There is only one starting shortstop for the New York Yankees and the New York Yankees picked him.

He saw how awesome that was.   He knew how fortunate he was to get that coveted job.

We have a unique position as well.  God chose you.  God chose me.  We may be called to different things in different seasons.  Maybe your calling right now is to raise those toddlers with a good Christian witness and introduce them to Christ.  Maybe this season in your life you are called to lead a youth group.  Maybe this season you are called to be on a school board.  Maybe this is the season you are called to stay at your frustrating job and be the light in the darkness.

Maybe this is the season you are called to be a caregiver to an ailing parent.  Maybe this is the season you are called to nurse a child through addiction or a sibling through a prison sentence.  Maybe your calling right now is to pray and be patient for a workaholic spouse.  Maybe you are in a season that is teaching you patience.

God calls us all to be a witness for Him in whatever season of life we find ourselves.  It may not be as big to you as being the ONLY shortstop for the New York Yankees but it is an important calling and it’s big to God.  I don’t care if it is to make cookies for Bible school or lead your team to the Super Bowl.  Whatever God has called you to do, do it to His glory.

There is only one me and today I am going to try to be the best version of me that God wants.  Won’t you recognize your uniqueness today and show God He picked the best person to do the job He called you to do!!