Do you have a favorite number?  Mine is 22.  I’m not sure why but I do remember being excited when I found out August 22 fell on a Saturday as Roger and I were planning our wedding!  When I see the number 22 I just feel joy.  I believe God uses my favorite number to remind me that He is with me.  It seems that when I am praying about something heavy on my heart, the number 22 will show up on my digital clock, on a sign or on TV.  I see the number 22 and just smile and thank God for reminding me that He is in control.

So on the 22nd of each month I do something special for myself.  One month I may eat a big ole hot fudge sundae.  Another month I may buy myself flowers – sometimes I have them delivered just so I can enjoy the thrill of delivery!  Other months I may get a pedicure or go to the park and read or ride my bike leisurely for as long as I want.  It’s just a day that I intentionally allow myself to enjoy God’s blessings of LIFE.

Yes.  God wants us to enjoy the blessings He gives to us.  Think about if you gave a gift to a friend, your mom or your child and that person never did use or wear that gift.  We would be a little hurt by the fact that the person didn’t enjoy the gift you picked out especially for them.  They were always too busy to enjoy that gift.

I think that’s how we are with the blessings God gives to us sometimes.  We might take them for granted.  We try to shove our blessings to the side to fill our lives with one more meeting, one more chore or one more email.  Stop today and think about all the blessings you have and how you may be ignoring them.

Maybe your favorite number can be a reminder somehow to stop and think about how you can thank God for these little blessings He gives you and try to find time to enjoy them a little more. Find your number………then enjoy your blessings!!

I’m heading to enjoy my “22” with my friend at a women’s conference laughing, crying and singing with Chonda Pierce and Natalie Grant!!  Oh how I love 22!!