The other morning on my way to work a beautiful fox ran across the road in front of me.  I have seen that fox in the valley on this back road several times before.  It stood in the field to my left very close to the road so I stopped my car and rolled down my window to take a closer look.  It just glared at me.  Stopped in its tracks, it was as if it looked me right in the eyes daring me to come closer.  Then it took off into the woods.

I actually laughed out loud as I drove away thinking about how pretty that fox was and how big and bad it acted.  But then – it hit me!!  He’s a sly little fox that acts all big and tough but when he is caught or approached, he runs…  just like that sly little fox we call the devil.

I Peter 5:8 says “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”  I know this refers to a lion but it did remind me of a sly little fox, too.

Be on the lookout.  Be alert.  The devil presents himself as a beautiful creature and is very intriguing and makes us want to examine him and his ways closer.  But don’t do it!!  He is prowling around presenting himself as a good thing but don’t get devoured.  Be strong.  Examine everything.  And then if it doesn’t seem right – run, run as fast as you can!