Got a minute?
Wait a minute.
Just a minute.
It will only take a minute.
In a minute.
A New York minute!
Any minute now.

We use the word “minute” to describe a very short period of time.  We request it all the time from others.

“Got a minute?  I need to run something past you”.
“Wait a minute!  I’m almost finished.”
“Any minute now she should be walking through that door.”

We use the word “minute” to express our notion to others that it will NOT take long.  A minute is important to us when we are requesting it.

It seems long when God requests it.  But He needs just a few of yours.  Each day.  For just a minute.  Won’t you take a minute today to recognize Him; to pray to Him; to thank Him; to read about Him? You hope He will take one when you need His… so find one today to give back to Him.