I was sleeping so soundly when my alarm went off this morning.  I usually awake a few minutes before the alarm, no matter what time I set it.  But not today.  I was really tired.  You see, I don’t like to go to bed.  I know I’ve said that in my blogs before, but I don’t like to sleep.  I like to get things done or enjoy life and sleeping to me is just wasting time! haha

So I end up staying up too late of an evening or getting up too early in the mornings in order to pack in everything I want to get done so I feel productive at the end of the day.  The older I get I realize that it’s not a wise choice.

Ten o’clock rolls around and I know in order to get the 7-8 hours of good sleep my body needs, I need to be heading to bed.  But I think I will do just one more thing or read one more chapter in my book or finish watching one more episode of Everybody Loves Raymond.  I usually head to bed around 10:00 or 10:30 but end up reading or looking at the emails on my phone before I go to sleep.

Then when the alarm goes off early the next morning, I am so exhausted and vow to go to bed earlier the next night.  But 10:00 pm rolls around and I forget that promise to myself.  I forget how tired I am going to feel the next morning if I don’t get the proper sleep.

How many times do we go down this same path with other things in our lives.  We know what we need to do but we just push the sin envelope a little further.  Alarms go off and we know we should do things differently but we start over the next day in the same destructive pattern.

What bad habit are you dealing with today that you know every time you go down that path that you shouldn’t be doing it?  What alarm goes off in your head trying to warn you and you just ignore it?  What consequences are you paying from your behavior that you know you need to change?

I know the one I mentioned is an easy fix – go to bed earlier!  Some other habits we deal with and decisions we avoid are NOT so easy fixes, but the Almighty Fixer is waiting to help you break that habit and get you on the right path to peace.  It’s time to wake up and quit ignoring the alarm.  Consider this reading a sign for us all to make the necessary changes to living in harmony with the Spirit and not against it.  It is in this we find freedom and peace ……and perhaps, even a little more rest.

Romans 8:5 – Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.  Clock Clip Art