We have a friend who is blind.  He was born blind so therefore has known no other way of life.  His parents enrolled him in a school specifically for the blind and during those school years, he not only received an academic education but also learned how to live as normal a life as possible in the real world.

Alex Gilland is an inspiration to all who meet him.  We got to know him better when he and our daughter made Ball State University their college choice (chirp chirp)!!  Morgan began driving Alex to and from school on occasions and we got to know him and see how he functions in this world without sight.  Alex is just amazing.

I realize that he pays attention to common things that I take for granted.  He hears everything because there is not sight to distract him.  He enjoys music and sports even more than I ever imagined because he is listening to every detail and every beat of the music.

We sat with his family at a high school girl’s regional basketball game this year.  I watched his dad give a play-by-play of the game to Alex so that he could enjoy the game, too.  He would jump up and cheer just like those of us who could “see” the play.  He told me about his internship living in Indianapolis and getting to work with Dan Dackich (former IU basketball player and current radio show host).  He told me he got around the city by cabs or the Uber transportation system.  He uses a cane designed for the sight-impaired and made his way to and from work and class each day.  I am amazed!

He walks by faith, not by sight.

2 Corinthians 5:7 (NIV) says:  For we live by faith, not by sight.  Paul’s words to the Corinthians remind us to live by faith.  We do not know what tomorrow holds or even what the next minute holds.  We do not know where our life will be this time next year.  We don’t know where our jobs, our families, our homes, or our finances will be in the future.  But God does…  and we can know Him!!

We are not in control.  God is in control.  And I know that this faith is the only way Alex’s parents are able to let him go to college or go to a city for an internship.  I know that Alex is one of the happiest people I know because he totally depends on faith and not sight.

Help us, Lord to depend totally on faith in You because we do not have sight for what is in store for us.  Help us to live freely and joyfully knowing that we don’t have to see what is ahead because our faith is in You.  Thank you, Alex for teaching me this lesson about life!!