
Merriam-Webster dictionary’s definition of surrender is: 1) to give up completely or agree to forgo especially in favor of another. 2) to give (oneself) up into the power of another especially as a prisoner.

In a previous post I mentioned that “surrender” was a word that God placed on my heart for 2018.  I cannot even begin to tell you how many times I have said that word in the first 57 days of this year.   I have waved my white flag probably a hundred times.

The devil knows that worry is my weakness.  I worry about small things and big things.  I struggle every day to overcome this fault.  But I will NOT let worry defeat me.  I have faith that God is in control of every single thing in my life.

Then if I have faith, I have to learn to SURRENDER.

Going back to the dictionary definition of surrender, I understand why God gave me that word.  I need 1)  to give up control in favor of God’s control; 2)  to give myself up for God to take over since I am a prisoner of worry.

Today I am going to make a difference to myself, my life and God.  I am going to surrender my worry and let Him have it all.  I’m giving Him free reign to do what He thinks is best and I’m getting out of the way.

How can you make a difference in your own life by surrendering to what God is telling you?  Wave your white flag today and start living in freedom one day at a time.