“Lord, please help me to see you and know you are working as I head into work this morning. Oh, and if you could just let me hear “Stand In Your Love”, that would be great! ”

That was my prayer as I drove in my Buick, beautiful sunrise ahead, trudging down the county road to my day job.  Just wanting to see Jesus and wanting His confirmation I was doing things in the way I felt Him leading me.  Yes…..worrying…..again.

Then the song that has been my go-to song during worry came on the radio.  Hilary Scott.  Thy Will Be Done.

I just smiled as I sang and remembered the first time this song brought me through the worry days of bringing Natalie Grant to town and making sure I did everything right.  I really listened to the words and I knew God was showing me His presence right then.

The Message Sirius XM radio station didn’t disappoint…next song:  Just Be Held by Casting Crowns.  My favorite line in the song that I use almost every day of my life:  “your world’s not falling apart it’s falling into place”.  CHECK.  I see you, Lord.

And as I pulled into my workplace town, the ultimate song that I asked Him to reveal to me played loud and clear.  Fear doesn’t stand a chance when I stand in your love.

Amen.  God’s got this.  And He confirmed it in a white Buick on a 15-minute drive to a little town parking lot outside of my windowless office through an XM radio station.  He cares.  He is good.