I was in the bakery the other day admiring the cakes in the display case.  There were sample wedding cakes, anniversary cakes and the most adorable birthday cakes for kids.  A couple little tikes, who looked to be about 4 years old, were so excited looking at the cakes and choosing which ones they wanted for their birthday celebrations.

What those children didn’t realize were that those cakes were just for display and would taste pretty bad if they sunk their teeth into that cardboard Princess cake.

How many times do we get tempted by things that are so appealing on the outside and catch our attention?  We point and choose and dream about those things and plan to immerse ourselves into them.  Then upon closer evaluation, we see that they are not what we thought but instead like those cardboard cakes with tempting icing looking great on the outside but can never satisfy our desires on the inside.

Our job as Christians is to be genuine and let our external self be a reflection of Jesus in our heart.  Only Christ in our heart can satisfy our deepest desires.

Today don’t be a pretty decorated Christian and hard core on the inside, but rather be the real deal – a soft heart with a sweet disposition.

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.  Psalm 19:14.