Have you ever eaten something really good at a pitch-in and then asked,  “who made this?  I want the recipe”?   You search out the creator of the dish to find out exactly what it is made of.

I was at a bridal shower a few weeks ago and the hostess served a wonderful cornbread salad and everyone was asking for the recipe.  She just went in her home office and made copies for anyone interested to take with them.  She was happy to share her tips and secrets to those wanting to make it just like she had made it.

We always seek out the one who brought the dish or created it and try to find out more about not only what ingredients are in it but any secrets they may have to make it taste just right. No one knows the recipe secrets better than the one who made it.

So why do we think God is any different?  He created us.  He knows what we are made of and how we tick and what brings us joy and what makes us sad.  He knows how to fix our hurts and heal our brokenness.  He knows how to set us free and bring us happiness.  So why in the world would we go to anyone or anything else to seek happiness and freedom from our hurts and brokenness?!  Because He created you, no one knows you better than Him.

Go to the creator and ask Him for the recipe to help you with whatever you are going through today.  I think it will be very simple because He has all the answers – all the ingredients for the recipe of life.  Thank goodness we can go straight to the One who knows exactly what He created.  Who made this?  He did!