I love ice cream!  I love mint chocolate chip ice cream covered in hot fudge.  I was at Baskin Robbins® ice cream shop the other day and asked for my mint chocolate chip ice cream sundae and whispered “XTRA HOT FUDGE, PLEASE” – as if whispering was going to take away some of the calories.   Actually I just whispered so other people wouldn’t know I was asking for XTRA hot fudge!    Emoji

Have you ever had a Hot Fudge Cake from Frisch’s restaurant?  I think this restaurant is just a Midwest restaurant so some of you may not know what it is.  So let me explain – it’s a thin layer of chocolate cake topped with a square of vanilla ice cream topped with another layer of chocolate cake topped with hot fudge!!  It is awesome!  But sometimes they don’t put near enough hot fudge on there for me.  I have been known to whisper “XTRA HOT FUDGE, PLEASE” when ordering the delicious dessert.

I was thinking about how I love those already rich ice cream desserts and then to add just a little XTRA HOT FUDGE sends it over the top!  That’s how we are with God’s blessings.  We have so much already.  God gives us all that we need and a whole lot of what we want.  But sometimes we say, “Lord, could we have just a little XTRA HOT FUDGE?”  “Could you give me just a few more blessings?” “Just one more thing?”

It’s not wrong to ask God for things.  He wants to know the desires of our heart!  But we need to remember to appreciate all that He has given us.  We need to appreciate the everyday blessings as well as the extras.  Look around and count your blessings for just 1 minute. And then thank God for all of your blessings ………….and for XTRA HOT FUDGEEmoji

2 Corinthians 9:15 – Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift.