As I was doing my Bible study and quiet time this morning, I came across this verse in Matthew 19:26 – Jesus said, “with man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

It’s only 3 days into the new year and we are working passionately on our goals and resolutions.  Maybe you have already eaten chocolate and didn’t exercise one day.  Maybe you forgot to read your Bible yesterday and have already yelled at your kids.  You say, “what’s the use?”  But I tell you…don’t give up.

As you reflect on last year, maybe you wish the past was different.  You wish you could change things.  But you can’t.  I remind you….don’t look back.

Maybe you woke up this morning and that dreadful feeling came over you – that worry that you hoped would be all gone when you went to sleep last night.  Let me encourage you…don’t worry anymore.

I’m not sure what mountain you’re climbing or how big it seems, but know that God is standing there waiting to hold your hand and help you through it.  Some days my mountain seems really steep and other days I seem to be walking through the beautiful green pastures.  Most of the time the mountains seem high when I take my eyes off Jesus, and I realize I am enjoying the beauty and green pastures when I focus on Him.

Just remember it was JESUS who said “nothing is impossible with God.”  Just focus on Him and let Him lead the way.  It may be a different way than you had planned.  It may be a different outcome than you had planned.  But He knows best.  He promises that ALL things will work together for the good of those who love Him.  (Romans 8:28).

Don’t give up.  Don’t look back.  Don’t worry.  Keep praying.  Keep focusing.  Keep believing.  God’s got this.  Because nothing is impossible with Him!