It’s so awesome that each day is a new day and a perfect day to start fresh.

It’s the 8th month of the year.  Where do you stand on your goals or resolutions for 2020?  Maybe you didn’t make any goals or maybe you feel like the resolutions went south on January 2nd and no need to start again.

But that’s not true!  You can start right now.

I would challenge you to find something you want to do and do it for the next 100 days!  Yes 100 days.

I was looking through my bookshelves and the Lord put these two books in my sight:
100 Days of Weight Loss
100 Days to Brave

I thought it was ironic that both were “100 days” to something.  I took it as a sign.  🙂

So I started my 100 days on August 5th which means completion by November 12th.  I am reading one entry from each of the books every day and journaling about each one all the while gently asking the Lord to guide me to get my mindset right for better habits for healthy weight loss and then to help me with my daily courage to live boldly for Him.

I really want you to STOP. AND. THINK. ABOUT. IT.

What is something you wanted to do this year but hasn’t happened yet?
What is something you really want to do but have been procrastinating or even fear has curtailed you?
What can you start today and be in a whole lot better place in 100 days?

An online art class.  Floor exercises. Treadmill.  Piano. Paint. Send cards.  Read more. Declutter.  Clean.  Organize. Redecorate. Connect with old friends.  Connect with new friends. Weekly kindness acts. Cook more.  Learn to bake.  Start creating a gift to give at Christmas.  Scrapbook.  The possibilities are endless.

I encourage you to do it.
Start now.
Come along side me.

Send me an email if you want to be accountability partners.

We can do this thing together because our best 100 days are just around the corner!