I’m going to be really open today with raw emotions on this post.

It’s like I’ve been sailing on a ship that has just been floating with anchor down.

The anchor can be defined as my procrastination and feelings of unworthiness. That anchor was being held down by the devil.  It’s time to pull the anchor and get sailin’!

I feel God is calling me to step out in faith and quit being so timid.  He called me to do a job and when I don’t do it, I’m sinning.

You see this last year I have let the devil talk me down from doing what the Lord has called me to do.  I am called to be a writer, a speaker and a teacher.  I love organization and decorating.  I love making a difference to others and doing acts of kindness.  I love sharing Jesus with people.  I love helping people be all that God created them to be and helping people make their goals and dreams come true.

God has blessed me with the spiritual gift of serving and encouragement.

I’m tired of not doing what I know I should be doing.  I’m ashamed of being such a procrastinator and having such a feeling of low self-worth.  The devil knows he was winning by distracting me from what I know God wants me to do.  But I’m done floating.

Today and in 2019 I am going to do some things that are out of the box for me and move forward in what I know I should be doing.  I’m going to let God guide my path and take leaps of faith.  I’m throwing the devil overboard and hoping he sinks.  I’m ready for my journey with the One and only Captain leading my ship.

If you feel like you or your civic organization, school, women’s group or church needs someone to encourage them with ideas for organization, decluttering, personal goals, finding out how to be all God created them to be or how to show more kindness in this world, then I would love to share with you all the ideas in my treasure box.  No destiny is too far and no challenge too big with God on my side.  I’m ready to sail!

You can find out more on my speaker page.  I appreciate your prayers and passing the word along as I embark on this journey in possible unchartered waters.