Google and God

Have you ever “Googled” yourself?  It’s amazing how much information about a person can be found on the internet.  Google seems to know everything about everything. We can find a lot of information on anything and anyone we are searching for just by...

Bucket or Bowl?

I was watching my cat the other day as she was on a ledge next to a bucket of water. Although her cat BOWLS were full of water, she wanted to get a drink from that big BUCKET of water. She would stick her paw down in the water and then lick her paw. Then she would...

No Leftovers

I don’t like leftovers. This morning I opened up the refrigerator and found the leftover half of sausage stromboli I had yesterday.  I wrapped up the other half of the sandwich with good intentions to eat the rest at another time.  But I’m just not big on...