Books A Million!

Today is National Read A Book day! With that in mind, how often do we take time to actually sit and read?  I love to read and I usually try to take time to read a book at least a few minutes a day – usually right before I go to bed.  I love reading Christian...

Give It To Me.

Have you ever seen a toddler grab a hold of something small that fits into their hand and they wrap their little fingers tightly around it and won’t let go?  We may try to pry those little fingers open but they seem to just hold tight to their treasure.  They...

Just Add Water

I’m about over watering my flowers!  I love my flowers but about this time of the season, I’m ready to move on to fall decorations – straw, pumpkins, and scarecrows! However, I felt kind of bad because the flowers were still alive and blooming but...


Road trips. Camping. Snow days. Driving through the mountains. Why do I love all of these things?  Because they all involve simplifying and living with the basics. When taking road trips and driving through the mountains and camping, you take the basic necessities. ...